Dentist Dental Impressions
Simply print this page and send it to your dental care professional.
Dentist Guidelines
Dental Impression From Your Dentist
Making a great impression is very easy and will determine the quality and fitting of your Sabretooth Fangs. Here are some guidelines for you to get started.
Dear dental care professional,
My name is Father Sebastiaan, Master Fangsmith of Sabretooth Custom Fangs. We are SFX company working with LDT (licensed dental technicians) in LA County California and have been making fangs for 25 years. We will need the following dental prescription to make your patient fangs. Check out our website www.sabretooth.com for our styles and product line. We will need the following characteristics to get our client the best in custom fangs:
⁃ Goldstone please NOT PLASTER
⁃ Upper and lower models
⁃ Trimmed & bubble free
⁃ Bite registration
- Please VITA tooth color shade.
Once done please send the impression to our fang concierge at Father Sebastiaan dba Sabretooth Fangs 7119 W. Sunset Blvd. Suite #623 Los Angeles, CA 90046.
If you have any questions or concerns please email me at fathersebastiaan@gmail.com.
Father Sebastiaan
Master Fangsmith - Sabretooth Custom Fangs
Are You Ready To Be Reborn?
Order your custom fangs and be reborn.